Tuesday, June 7, 2016

5 Ways to Nail Your Interview

Hey everyone! I've been getting a lot of e-mails regarding interview tips. Can't believe it is that time of year again! Now, I have never been on an interview board but I have sat through a handful of interviews and some positions I got offered included part-time hours and maternity leaves. I accepted them but continued to apply for schools in the hope of securing a temporary or permanent position and eventually ended up declining the offers.

This is my 5th year teaching and I succeeded in getting a permanent job in July 2014. So here is my 2 cents worth on the interview process.

1. Dress Code

This is so important. Before they even begin to speak to you the interview panel notice how you are dressed and your appearance. I usually wear a knee length dress, a blazer and heels just because I feel like I look more professional this way. The last interview I done was for the school I work in now and a girl came in after me with a very short skirt and 'legs out' as you'd say. He went on to tell me he wasn't impressed by her choice of outfit. A pair of black trousers and a shirt or blazer will also be perfect. For boys I would definitely recommend a suit. For my first 3 years I always pinned my hair into an up do for an interview as I have very long hair and thought it would make me look unkempt. However, before one interview my hair had all fallen down as I had been walking for ages and it was a very windy day so I had no choice but to leave it down and pin the sides back. I got offered a temporary job that day! As long as you look tidy and presentable with subtle make up you should be fine.

2. Personality

Another hugely important factor that principals take into consideration. They are looking for someone who will mix well with their staff and be easily approachable for parents and also easy to work with. I always greet my prospective principals with a huge smile and shake the hand of each person on the interview panel. I also try to make conversation with them before the interview begins. Smile a lot during the interview and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself if you mess up your words, we're all human after all. Also, try and make conversation with the secretary as you wait as believe it or not, principals do go to them asking them how prospective candidates interacted with them as they waited. During my last interview, the 'secretary' actually turned out to be the vice principal so you just never know.

3. Preparation
I live by the sayings 'you can never be too prepared' and 'fail to plan, plan to fail' the same is true for interviews. I jotted down any question I was ever asked at an interview and kept it safe as well as asking friends for tips on what they were asked. One way to impress and which can be easily done through prep is to log onto the school website and really research the school. Read their policies, check their gallery for recent events, see what they're strengths are and what you might bring to the school that they don't have already. If they're big into ICT or creativity have something prepared on how you can add to it.

4. Arrive on time
Please give yourself time to arrive at your interview. There's nothing worse than being under pressure for time and rushing to get there. That will just give you a red face, increased blood pressure and a sweaty appearance, none of these (along with the fact that you're late) makes a good first impression. I usually go to the school the day before if I don't know where it is, time how long it will take and usually add an extra hour to that (half an hour early and a half hour in case something goes wrong). You can never give off a bad impression by being too early, it shows commitment and that you are organised and have good time management.

5. Try and enjoy it
Yes this might sound crazy but if you don't get a job out of this you will get experience and another 10+ questions to add to your interview prep. Don't feel like you've failed if you don't get the job, a lot of times the jobs are already taken or the principal is looking for a particular skill or teacher. Show off what you have, now is not the time to be shy, and try not to let nerves get the better of you. There are other jobs out there if you don't get this one.

Good luck :)

Anyone wanting interview sample questions and answers, packs are available on my blog store http://primary-teachingideas.blogspot.ie/p/store.html#!/10-Questions-Interview-Package/p/64402298/category=0

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