Thursday, August 27, 2015

First day done!!

How did everyone's first day go? I for one am knackered!!! I must say I wasn't too nervous this morning as I knew the class I was teaching this year from last year. I was greeted when I went out by last years class who were delighted to see me and 2 new parents of kids in my class that moved to the school this year. My morning consisted of the kids telling their news but most of their biggest news consisted of their teeth falling out :). We went on to write a small bit about my summer then I read a story to them. After break I went through books, routines in the classroom and practiced getting them to line up in alphabetical order. We then began some maths stations. The 5 stations consisted of Bingo, the pegs game i posted on my fb page, a jigsaw game where they pair addition problems with the answer, a dice game where they rolled the dice twice and added them together and some addition board games . That led us into break and afterwards the kids done a self portrait of themselves on an A3 and to finish off I put Go Noodle on for them. I'm not going to lie it was crazy at times and it will take a while to get routines in place. Already feels like I was back for a month, now to plan for tomorrow :)

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