Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Steps for Stepping up your Classroom

Table Arrangements
First thing I do is arrange my tables. I find it hard to work or organise my room until I have an idea of the main layout. I always group my children and usually use colours to distinguish each table. I try and aim for 5/6 at each table. In previous years I had odd numbers. I had 23 kids my first and second year teaching so I had 3 tables with 6 children and 1 with 5 children. Last year I had 31 children so had 4 tables of 6 kids and 1 table with 7 kids. This year I’ll have 35 so I’m hoping for 5 tables of 6 children and 1 table with 5 children.

Unpacking and Arranging the Children’s Books and Supplies.

After this I choose a table to unpack all my teaching things e.g. boxes, books, station games etc. I take all the kid’s books too and sort everything into piles. Anything that will go in/on my teacher desk I will leave it on to organise later. I usually give each table a shelf and using laminated coloured paper I stick a piece of coloured paper to each shelf to distinguish them. I then start filing the books onto the shelves. Scissors, glues and markers will also go on these shelves. As regards the children’s markers and glues I usually put their names on each. Yes this is incredibly tedious to do but they take so much better care of them when they feel it’s theirs.

Bulletin Boards
I always get all my boards backed with papers and borders once my tables are set up. I guess this is for me-a sense of giving my classroom a bit of life and colour to motivate me. Sight words and board names can go on later.

Early Finisher Bins
Early Finisher Bins are 2 coloured plastic cabinets I got in Aldi last year with 3 drawers in each. The drawers need to be changed once each month and each table gets a drawer filled with activities for early finishers. September’s bins will be filled with revision of Senior Infants and new topics we will be working on.

As I teach first class my class have a range of different copy books. Project copy books are used for Irish, English, Maths, Music, Religion, Reading Box Yellow. Handwriting copies are used for spelling tests and handwriting practice and scrap books are used for SESE. I then begin the tedious task of naming all their copy books with labels. When I have all the books named, I use elastic bands and laminated coloured paper to bundle the books by table. With 35 children this year the extra organisation will be needed.

Teacher Desk
I try and keep m teacher desk as clutter free as I can. On my desk I have a copy of my monthly plan, my timetable will be pinned to the wall beside me and I will also have a detailed weekly breakdown printed and placed in a plastic pouch which is taped to my desk. Besides that I have a pen holder, my pencil case and a tray to hold the children’s sheets.

• Other things to think on include;
• How will children hand in homework?
• Where will they hand up their sheets?
• Where will lunch boxes and coats go?


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