
Hey everyone:) Thanks for visiting my page, I am a 1st class teacher in a Gaelscoil in Dublin and have been teaching for 5 years now. When I'm not blogging and planning for my class of 30 kids I love to watch movies, socialize and recently- go to the gym.

I set up this page for a number of reasons. Firstly during my college years I felt there was very little websites to accommodate student teachers with teaching practice and likewise while I was in my Dip year. Resources and ideas for Gaelscoil teachers were minimal and hard to come by. Having gone through all these steps myself I decided to set up my own website to help those who of you now in those stages.

As well as that I have a lot of ideas that I can't wait to share with every type of teacher from newly qualified to experienced. As my website was set up to help you all don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries :)

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