
Classroom management-Managing a noisy classroom.

So on meeting my new class this year I was astounded by the amount of children shouting out without their hand up, starting their own conversations with each other during news time and group work was an absolute nightmare. Slowly, I have seen a huge improvement in them. They were never bold but had no concept of the general classroom rules therefore I had to start from scratch with them.

Group Work
Group work had to be modeled completely. For every task they were given I asked a table to model the kind of behavior I was expecting. Also I done out A4 cards that had written on them 'Quiet work', 'Talking', 'Inside Voice' and 'Listening' and used these like my life depended on it! I had each table name on the board and the corresponding card with the type of behavior they should be modelling beside it, e.g. "Bord Glas-Obair Ciúin". I also elected a group captain who they had to go to if there were any problems, the captain was also in charge of making sure his/her group kept the noise level minimum or that they were working quietly. Between the modelling, the cards and the use of captains I have seen a drastic improvement in the noise level and also in the amount of children on task during group/station work.

While you are teaching
You will not believe the type of behavior the kids portrayed to me whilst I was teaching. They were looking out windows, playing with pencils, having the chats or EVEN turned the complete opposite way to the board!! I couldn't believe how they were ever allowed to do this. Again the cards worked a treat as did '123 Eyes on me, 123 eyes on you" and the show me 5. They still aren't as good as I'd like them to be but there is a major improvement.

While Working
It seems to be that there are just children who cannot stay quiet and my new first class were no exception. Getting them to work quietly has been a task but I've managed to achieve it through again the use of the card shown what behaviour I expect from them on the interactive whiteboard and also an ingenious idea, the use of 'Quiet Spray'. Using a spray bottle used for cleaning (of course without any product remaining) , fill it with water and add some glitter. When this is sprayed at the beginning of their work it means they have to stay quiet now. It works a treat and they get so excited for it. I told them that the fairies that live in the classroom were sad to hear how noisy they were and made us some quiet spray and that this helps us to be quiet. Simple and so effective.

Anything else guys let me know, hope it was a help :)

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